Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Astronaut Chris Hadfield sings Space Oddity

With Gravity topping the box office, pushing special effects to the edge, I’m posting my favorite space clip, starring astronaut Chris Hadfield.

After attending the premiere, Hadfield tweeted about the film: “Good morning! Gravity was fun last night. Fantastic visuals, relentless, Sandra Bullock was great. I’d fly with her.”  When asked about his own tour of duty, Hadfield said, “Fortunately, the five months that I spent on the space station went way calmer.”

In fact, his tour of duty was a bit more rock and roll.

Here is the supremely musical Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield saying goodbye to the International Space Station with this mind-blowing version of David Bowie’s Space Oddity.







Astronaut Chris Hadfield sings Space Oddity